
One of the largest and toughest jobs in Tri-State’s 60-year history, CP&L’s Middletown-Norwalk included 45 miles of 345-kV. Line in Middlesex, New Haven, and Fairfield Counties in Connecticut.  Tri-state’s portion (as subcontractor to Par Electrical Contractors) required 610 foundations and nearly 23,000 cubic yards of concrete.  The soils included a driller’s nightmare menagerie of rock types:  sandstone, basalt intrusions, schist, quartz veins, diabase, metadiabase—with unconfined compressive strengths as high as 58,000-psi.  Overall, the project involved drilling 6,730 cubic yards of these rock types.  The aggressive schedule called for all this to be completed in 16 months.  Tri-State completed the job on time, under budget.

Client: Connecticut Light and Power as a subcontractor to PAR Electrical Contractors